Why Hire Us?

Navigating any project can be a frustrating, timely and expensive learning curve. Let the professionals help to make this an enjoyable, well delivered experience that is not frustrating, timely and expensive. Our team can help answer any questions that you may be debating in making a decision to move forward with your project. 

  1. Project Advice
  2. Ensure the contractor is insured and ask to what level of dollar value. Ask for the insurance company to have you added as an additional insured for the project. 
  3. Ask if the company belongs to trade and business or construction associations.
  4. Contact your insurance company regarding your project and the value being added by the construction being completed.
  5. Inquire about a WCB Clearance Letter for your general contractor and his trades.
  6. Ask for project related references.
  7. Ask for a detailed quote outlining what work will be completed for what cost. 
  8. Ensure that your project is managed, supervised and constructed.
  9. Ask how long the company has been operating their business for.
  10. Request a police record check to ensure they are bondable.
  11. Ask what education the general contractor has to qualify his knowledge of codes, construction and business related practices.
  12. Ask how the project is tracked for cost or how they manage accounting of the job. Is it done in house or by a professional bookkeeping company?